Jaishankar: ‘Bali was Bali, New Delhi is Delhi’ on change in G20 language on Ukraine
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Jaishankar: ‘Bali was Bali, New Delhi is Delhi’ on change in G20 language on Ukraine

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Jaishankar: ‘Bali was Bali, New Delhi is Delhi’ on change in G20 language on Ukraine

India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has defended the change in language on the Ukraine conflict in the G20 Delhi Declaration, saying that “Bali was Bali, New Delhi is Delhi.”

The Delhi Declaration, which was issued at the end of the G20 summit in New Delhi on Saturday, did not mention Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, instead calling for an “early resolution” to the conflict. This was a departure from the language used in the G20 Bali Declaration in November 2022, which condemned Russia’s actions and called for a “full and immediate withdrawal” of its troops from Ukraine.

Jaishankar: 'Bali was Bali, New Delhi is Delhi' on change in G20 language on Ukraine
Jaishankar: ‘Bali was Bali, New Delhi is Delhi’ on change in G20 language on Ukraine (Image Source: Google)

Jaishankar said that the change in language reflected the “evolving situation” on Ukraine. He said that India had always called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, and that the Delhi Declaration was a “reflection of that commitment.”

He also said that India had to balance its own interests with the interests of the international community. India is a major importer of Russian oil and gas, and it has also been reluctant to condemn Russia’s actions in Ukraine for fear of alienating its long-standing ally.

The change in language on Ukraine in the Delhi Declaration has been criticized by some Western countries, who have accused India of appeasement. However, India has defended its position, saying that it is committed to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict.

In a press conference after the summit, Jaishankar said that India had “tried its best” to bridge the differences between the G20 members on Ukraine. He said that the Delhi Declaration was a “workable document” that reflected the “diverse views” of the members.

He also said that the G20 leaders had agreed to continue their discussions on Ukraine, and that he was hopeful that a solution could be found soon.

The G20 summit in New Delhi was the first time that India had hosted the summit since 2002. The summit was attended by leaders from 19 countries, as well as the European Union. The main focus of the summit was the global economy, but the Ukraine conflict was also a major topic of discussion.

The G20 leaders also discussed a number of other issues at the summit, including the global food crisis, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic. They agreed to work together to address these challenges and to promote a more sustainable and inclusive global economy.

The summit was seen as a success by many observers, who praised India for its leadership and its ability to bring together the G20 members. However, the change in language on Ukraine was a reminder of the deep divisions that still exist within the group.

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It remains to be seen whether the G20 will be able to bridge these divisions and find a way to address the Ukraine conflict. However, the summit in New Delhi was a step in the right direction, and it showed that the G20 is still capable of playing a leading role in the global arena.

The G20 leaders also discussed the following:

  • The need to strengthen the global financial system
  • The importance of promoting free trade and investment
  • The need to address climate change and environmental degradation
  • The need to improve global health and development

The G20 leaders also agreed to hold a follow-up summit in Indonesia in November 2024.

The G20 summit in New Delhi was a significant event, and it is likely to have a lasting impact on the global economy and politics. The summit showed that the G20 is still a relevant and important forum for international cooperation, and it raised hopes that the group can play a leading role in addressing the challenges of the 21st century.

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