Delhi Teen Stabbed To Death: Boy strangles man on camera, stabs him 60 times, and dances over his body
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Delhi Teen Stabbed To Death: Boy strangles man on camera, stabs him 60 times, and dances over his body

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Delhi Teen Stabbed To Death: Boy strangles man on camera, stabs him 60 times, and dances over his body

New Delhi: On Tuesday night, a younger youngster who was seen dancing near the dead in very unsettling CCTV footage repeatedly stabbed an 18-year-old on a street in Delhi. The intention behind the murder was reportedly to obtain money so that they could buy biryani.

Police claimed that the killing spree, which is believed to have cost over ₹ 350, occurred in the Welcome neighborhood in northeast Delhi. The teenage attacker was seen on CCTV tape stabbing the victim and, at one point, dancing while standing over the corpse. According to reports, he gave the victim around 60 knife wounds.

Boy strangles man on camera, stabs him 60 times, and dances over his body
Boy strangles man on camera, stabs him 60 times, and dances over his body (Image Source: Google)

The authorities claim that robbery was the driving force for the murder. The victim was repeatedly stabbed by the accused after being rendered unconscious by strangulation.

According to the authorities, the two were not apparent to know one another. The young man was allegedly robbed by the 16-year-old suspect in the killing, but he protested and was then beaten.

The child who is being accused has been caught on CCTV dragging a body out into a little alleyway. To ensure the victim was dead, he is seen repeatedly stabbing him in the neck. He continues by repeatedly kicking the skull. The gruesome performance was captured on tape as he then steps over the corpse and starts to dance.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) Joy Tirkey stated, “On Tuesday, at approximately 11:15 p.m., a PCR call was received regarding a youth, aged approximately 18 years, who was fatally stabbed by a minor in an attempt to rob him in Janta Mazdoor colony in the Welcome area.”

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“The victim was rushed to a hospital but he was declared dead,” he stated.

The offender was located and taken into custody by the police. He was accused of robbing the victim, who is still unidentified, of ₹ 350. The scene has been examined by a forensic team, and the police are reviewing CCTV evidence.

According to police sources, the kid who is currently being charged with murder was involved in another murder case in 2022. Robbery also served as the motive for the previous crime.

The accused is allegedly a member of a group consisting of three to four young people who have committed several violent crimes, according to the police. The accused stated during interrogation that he was impaired by alcohol when the latest homicide occurred.

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