Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Rescuers Consider Vertical, Manual Drilling to Save Trapped Workers
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Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Rescuers Consider Vertical, Manual Drilling to Save Trapped Workers

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Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Rescuers Consider Vertical, Manual Drilling to Save Trapped Workers

UTTARKASHI, UTTRAKHAND – In a desperate attempt to rescue 41 workers trapped inside a collapsed tunnel in Uttarakhand, India, experts are considering a risky vertical, manual drilling operation. The workers have been trapped for over a week, and rescue efforts have been hampered by the unstable conditions inside the tunnel.

The vertical drilling operation would involve drilling a hole from the top of the hill above the tunnel to the level where the workers are trapped. This would create a new access point for the trapped workers and allow rescuers to bring them out safely.

Silkyara Tunnel Rescue
Silkyara Tunnel Rescue: NDMA Declares Post-Evacuation Preparations Complete (Image Source: Google)

However, the operation is fraught with risk. The drilling could trigger further collapses, and there is no guarantee that the workers would be able to reach the new access point. Additionally, manual drilling would be a slow and laborious process, and it is unclear how long it would take to complete.

Despite the risks, officials are considering the vertical drilling operation as a last resort. They believe that it is the only chance of saving the trapped workers.

“We are considering all options, but the vertical drilling is a very risky one,” said a senior official involved in the rescue operation. “However, we are also aware that we are running out of time, and we may have to take this risk if we want to save these workers.”

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Vertical, Manual Drilling Considered as Last Resort to Rescue Trapped Workers
Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Vertical, Manual Drilling Considered as Last Resort to Rescue Trapped Workers  (Image Source: Google)

The trapped workers are reportedly in good spirits, but they are running low on supplies. Rescue workers have been able to send them food and water through a small hole in the tunnel, but they are concerned that the workers will not be able to hold out much longer.

The tunnel collapse occurred on October 18th, 2023, when a section of the tunnel collapsed, trapping the workers inside. The tunnel is part of a larger project to build a new road between Uttarkashi and Barkot.

The rescue operation has been ongoing since the collapse, and rescuers have tried several different methods to reach the trapped workers, including horizontal drilling and tunneling. However, these methods have been unsuccessful, and the vertical drilling operation is now seen as the only viable option.

Read This Also: Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue: Rescue of Trapped Workers in Uttarakhand Tunnel Expected to Take 12-14 Hours

The authorities are appealing to the public to remain patient and to avoid spreading rumors. They are also urging the media to be sensitive to the situation and to respect the privacy of the families of the trapped workers.

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