ISRO: Chandrayaan-3 Undergoes Final Lunar Orbit Manoeuvre, Ready for Landing
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ISRO: Chandrayaan-3 Undergoes Final Lunar Orbit Manoeuvre, Ready for Landing

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ISRO: Chandrayaan-3 Undergoes Final Lunar Orbit Manoeuvre, Ready for Landing

With its Chandrayaan-3 mission, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has achieved significant progress and taken a significant step towards unlocking the secrets of the Moon. After successfully completing its final manoeuvre in lunar orbit, the spacecraft is now ready for the anticipated lunar landing. This achievement shows India’s ongoing commitment to space exploration and scientific growth as Chandrayaan-3 gets ready to start a new chapter of lunar exploration.

Lunar Orbit Manoeuvre Advances Chandrayaan-3 Towards Historic Moon Landing

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced on Wednesday that its Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft has successfully undergone its final lunar orbit manoeuvre. This brings the spacecraft one step closer to its planned landing on the Moon on August 23.

The manoeuvre was performed using the spacecraft’s onboard prop

ulsion system. It reduced the spacecraft’s orbit from 174 km x 1437 km to 100 km x 101 km. This will allow the spacecraft to make a soft landing on the Moon’s south pole.

ISRO: Chandrayaan-3 Undergoes Final Lunar Orbit Manoeuvre, Ready for Landing
ISRO: Chandrayaan-3 Undergoes Final Lunar Orbit Manoeuvre, Ready for Landing (Image Source: Google)

Chandrayaan-3: A Major Milestone for India’s Space Program

The successful completion of the final lunar orbit manoeuvre by India’s Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft is a major milestone for India’s space program. It brings the spacecraft one step closer to its historic landing on the Moon on August 23.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is India’s third lunar mission. It is the first mission to attempt a soft landing on the Moon’s south pole. The south pole is a region of the Moon that has never been explored by any spacecraft. It is believed to be rich in water ice, which is a valuable resource for future exploration.

The successful completion of the final lunar orbit manoeuvre is a major achievement for ISRO, India’s space agency. It demonstrates the agency’s expertise in space navigation and control. It also shows that India is capable of carrying out complex space missions.

The success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission will be a major boost for India’s space program. It will put India in the league of countries that have successfully landed on the Moon. It will also pave the way for future lunar exploration by India.

Lunar Orbit Manoeuvre: How Spacecraft Change Orbits Around the Moon
Lunar Orbit Manoeuvre: How Spacecraft Change Orbits Around the Moon (Image Source: Google)

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is a symbol of India’s growing technological prowess. It is a reminder that India is a rising power in the world of space exploration. The success of this mission will inspire young Indians to pursue careers in science and technology. It will also make India a more attractive destination for foreign investment in the space sector.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is a historic moment for India. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the scientists and engineers at ISRO. It is also a sign of India’s growing global leadership in space exploration.

The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft consists of an orbiter, lander, and rover. The orbiter will remain in lunar orbit for a year, mapping the Moon’s surface and collecting data. The lander will touch down on the Moon’s south pole and deploy the rover. The rover will then explore the lunar surface for up to 14 days.

Read This Also: Chandrayaan 3: India’s Audacious Moon Mission Closes in on Landing

ISRO Confident of Chandrayaan-3 Success

The successful completion of the final lunar orbit manoeuvre is a major milestone for the Chandrayaan-3 mission. It brings the spacecraft one step closer to its historic landing on the Moon.

ISRO has said that it is confident that the Chandrayaan-3 mission will be a success. The space agency has a long history of successful space missions, and it is well-prepared for the challenges of landing on the Moon.

Chandrayaan-2: India Successfully Launches its Second Moon Mission
Chandrayaan-2: India Successfully Launches its Second Moon Mission (Image Source: Google)

Mistakes ISRO wants to avoid in Chandrayaan-3

Expanded landing area:

The Chandrayaan-2 lander was supposed to land on a small patch of land about 500 square meters in size. However, the lander experienced a hard landing due to a software glitch. ISRO has expanded the landing area for Chandrayaan-3 to 4km x 2.4 km, which is about 16,000 times larger than the landing area for Chandrayaan-2. This will give the lander more room to maneuver and avoid obstacles on the lunar surface.

More fuel in lander:

The Chandrayaan-2 lander had only enough fuel to make one attempt at landing. If the landing was unsuccessful, the lander would have crashed into the Moon. ISRO has added more fuel to the Chandrayaan-3 lander, which will give it more time to find a safe landing spot and to abort the landing if necessary.

Changes in lander design:

The Chandrayaan-2 lander had a problem with its thrusters. The thrusters were not powerful enough to slow down the lander during landing, which caused it to crash. ISRO has redesigned the Chandrayaan-3 lander to operate on four thrusters only. This will make the lander more stable during landing and will reduce the risk of a hard landing. The lander’s legs have also been made stronger to absorb the impact of landing.

Why ISRO made these changes

  • The Chandrayaan-2 mission experienced a hard landing due to a software glitch. ISRO wants to avoid a similar incident in Chandrayaan-3 by giving the lander more room to maneuver and more fuel to abort the landing if necessary.
  • The Chandrayaan-2 lander also had a problem with its thrusters. ISRO has redesigned the Chandrayaan-3 lander to operate on four thrusters only, which is more reliable.
  • The Chandrayaan-2 lander’s legs were not strong enough to absorb the impact of landing. ISRO has made the Chandrayaan-3 lander’s legs stronger to avoid this problem.

Will these changes be enough to avoid mistakes in Chandrayaan-3?

It is too early to say for sure if these changes will be enough to avoid mistakes in Chandrayaan-3. However, ISRO has taken a number of steps to improve the safety of the mission. The expanded landing area, more fuel in the lander, and changes in the lander design should all help to reduce the risk of a hard landing.

Only time will tell if these changes are enough. However, ISRO is confident that Chandrayaan-3 will be a success. The space agency has a long history of successful space missions, and it is well-prepared for the challenges of landing on the Moon.

World Watches with Anticipation as India Prepares for Historic Moon Landing

The world is watching with anticipation as India prepares to make history with the Chandrayaan-3 mission. The success of this mission will be a major boost for India’s space program and will pave the way for future lunar exploration.

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