Chandrayaan-3: Vikram Lander Undergoes First Deboosting Move, Health Normal
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Chandrayaan-3: Vikram Lander Undergoes First Deboosting Move, Health Normal

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Chandrayaan-3: Vikram Lander Undergoes First Deboosting Move, Health Normal

The Vikram lander of the Chandrayaan-3 mission has successfully undergone its first deboosting move, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said on Friday. The deboosting move is a process of slowing down the lander to lower its orbit around the Moon. The lander is now in an orbit of 113 kilometers (70 miles) by 157 kilometers (98 miles).

The deboosting move was carried out using the lander’s onboard motors. The health of the lander is normal, ISRO said.

Chandrayaan-3: Vikram Lander Undergoes First Deboosting Move, Health Normal
Chandrayaan-3: Vikram Lander Undergoes First Deboosting Move, Health Normal (Image Source: Google)

The Vikram lander is scheduled to make a soft landing on the Moon’s south pole on Wednesday, August 23. The lander will be carrying the Pragyan rover, which will explore the lunar surface.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is India’s third lunar mission. The first two missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, were both successful.

The success of the deboosting move is a major milestone for the Chandrayaan-3 mission. It brings the lander closer to its final destination and paves the way for a soft landing on the Moon.

ISRO is confident that the Vikram lander will make a successful soft landing on the Moon. The agency has been preparing for this mission for many years and has conducted extensive tests of the lander.

Read This: Chandrayaan-3: Vikram Lander Successfully Separates from Propulsion Module

The success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission would be a major achievement for India and would put the country in a select group of nations that have successfully landed on the Moon. It would also help India to expand its knowledge of the Moon and its resources.

The world is watching with great interest as India prepares to make its third lunar landing. The success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission would be a major boost for the Indian space program and would inspire other countries to pursue their own lunar exploration programs.

Vikram Lander: India’s Next Step in Lunar Exploration

The Vikram lander is a robotic spacecraft that is part of the Chandrayaan-3 mission. The mission’s goal is to soft land the lander on the Moon’s south pole and deploy the Pragyan rover.

Vikram Lander’s Mission

The Vikram lander is designed to perform the following tasks:

  • Soft land on the Moon’s south pole
  • Deploy the Pragyan rover
  • Conduct experiments to study the Moon’s surface and atmosphere
  • Transmit data back to Earth

The soft landing is the most critical part of the mission. The lander will need to slow down from its orbital velocity of 1.6 kilometers per second to just a few centimeters per second in order to land safely. The lander will use a combination of its onboard propulsion system and its parachutes to achieve this.

Once the lander has landed, it will deploy the Pragyan rover. The rover is about the size of a microwave oven and is equipped with a variety of instruments to study the lunar surface. The rover will be able to travel up to 500 meters and will operate for up to 14 days.

The lander will also conduct experiments to study the Moon’s surface and atmosphere. These experiments will help scientists to better understand the Moon’s history and evolution. The lander will also transmit data back to Earth, which will be used to further our understanding of the Moon.

Chandrayaan 3's Vikram lander, which is orbiting the moon, captured this image of Earth.(ISRO)
This picture of Earth was taken by the Vikram lander, which is orbiting the moon.(ISRO) (Image Source: Google)

Vikram Lander’s Instruments

The Vikram lander is equipped with a variety of instruments to carry out its tasks. These include:

  • A laser altimeter to measure the distance between the lander and the lunar surface
  • A camera to take images of the lunar surface
  • A magnetometer to measure the magnetic field of the Moon
  • A seismometer to detect moonquakes
  • A spectrometer to analyze the composition of the lunar surface
  • A weather station to measure the temperature, pressure, and humidity of the lunar atmosphere

The Importance of Vikram Lander

Lander is a key component of the Chandrayaan-3 mission. The success of the mission will depend on the lander’s ability to soft land on the Moon and deploy the Pragyan rover.

The soft landing is a particularly challenging task, as the Moon’s surface is very uneven. The lander will need to use its onboard sensors and systems to accurately navigate the lunar surface and avoid any obstacles.

The deployment of the Pragyan rover is also a critical part of the mission. The rover will be able to explore the lunar surface in detail and gather data that would be impossible to obtain from orbit.

The success of the Vikram lander would be a major achievement for India. It would put the country in a select group of nations that have successfully landed on the Moon. It would also help India to expand its knowledge of the Moon and its resources.

Lander is a significant step forward in India’s lunar exploration program. The success of the mission would be a major boost for the program and would inspire other countries to pursue their own lunar exploration programs.

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