How the Pragyan Rover Rolled Down from Chandrayaan-3: 26 Mechanisms at Work
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How the Pragyan Rover Rolled Down from Chandrayaan-3: 26 Mechanisms at Work

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How the Pragyan Rover Rolled Down from Chandrayaan-3: 26 Mechanisms at Work

The Pragyan Rover, India’s first lunar rover, successfully rolled down from the Chandrayaan-3 lander on August 23, 2023. The rollout was a complex process that involved 26 mechanisms working together.

The first step in the rollout process was to deploy the rover’s landing gear. This was done by a mechanism called the landing gear actuator. The landing gear actuator is a hydraulic system that extends the rover’s legs so that it can safely land on the lunar surface.

How the Pragyan Rover Rolled Down from Chandrayaan-3: 26 Mechanisms at Work
How the Pragyan Rover Rolled Down from Chandrayaan-3: 26 Mechanisms at Work (Image Source: Google)

Once the landing gear was deployed, the rover’s body was lowered to the lunar surface. This was done by a mechanism called the body lowering actuator. The body lowering actuator is a cable system that slowly lowers the rover’s body until it is in contact with the ground.

The next step was to deploy the rover’s solar panels. This was done by a mechanism called the solar panel deployment actuator. The solar panel deployment actuator is a motor that rotates the rover’s solar panels so that they can face the sun.

Once the solar panels were deployed, the rover was ready to roll out. This was done by a mechanism called the rover rollout actuator. The rover rollout actuator is a motor that slowly rolls the rover out of the lander.

The 26 mechanisms that were involved in the rollout of the Pragyan Rover were all developed at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) headquarters in Bengaluru.

The rover rollout actuator was the most complex mechanism involved in the rollout process. It had to carefully control the rover’s speed and direction so that it would not tip over or damage itself.

The entire rollout process took about 30 minutes. Once the rover was rolled out, it was free to explore the lunar surface.

The successful rollout of the Pragyan Rover is a major milestone for India’s space program. It is the first time that India has successfully landed a rover on the moon. The rover is expected to spend the next two weeks exploring the lunar surface. It will collect data on the elemental composition of the atmosphere, the lunar surface, and the moon’s interior.

Read This Also: ISRO’s Chandrayaan 3 Makes Historic Soft Landing on Moon

The Pragyan Rover is a small but important step in India’s journey to become a leading spacefaring nation. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

In addition to the 26 mechanisms mentioned above, there were also a number of other factors that contributed to the successful rollout of the Pragyan Rover. These factors included:

  • The precise landing of the Chandrayaan-3 lander.
  • The careful design of the rover and its landing gear.
  • The use of a high-resolution camera to monitor the rollout process.
  • The real-time monitoring of the rollout process by ISRO engineers.

The successful rollout of the Pragyan Rover is a major achievement for India’s space program. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the ISRO team. The rover is expected to make significant contributions to our understanding of the moon.


In conclusion, the successful rollout of the Pragyan Rover is a major achievement for India’s space program. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the ISRO team, and it is a small but important step in India’s journey to become a leading spacefaring nation.

The Pragyan Rover is expected to make significant contributions to our understanding of the moon. It will collect data on the elemental composition of the atmosphere, the lunar surface, and the moon’s interior. This data will help scientists to better understand the formation and evolution of the moon, and it could also help us to find new resources that could be used to support human exploration of the moon.

The successful rollout of the Pragyan Rover is a major milestone for India’s space program, and it is a reminder of the country’s growing capabilities in this field. India is now one of only a handful of countries that have successfully landed a rover on the moon, and it is poised to make even greater contributions to space exploration in the years to come.

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