4 mins read

Chandrayaan-3 Probe Finds 50°C Temperature Difference Between Moon’s Surface and 10 cm Below

Chandrayaan-3 Probe Finds 50°C Temperature Difference Between Moon’s Surface and 10 cm Below India’s ambitious Chandrayaan-3 moon expedition has shed fascinating light on the lunar environment. The significant temperature differential between the Moon’s surface and a depth of 10 centimetres below is among the most surprising findings. This discovery not only advances our knowledge of […]

3 mins read

Chandrayaan-3 on Track for Lunar Orbit Insertion on August 5

Chandrayaan-3 on Track for Lunar Orbit Insertion on August 5 The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully inserted Chandrayaan-3 into translunar orbit. The spacecraft is now on track to make its lunar orbit insertion (LOI) on August 5, 2023. Chandrayaan-3 was launched on July 14, 2023, from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, […]