Iran Unleashes Largest Missile Barrage Ever Against Israel
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Iran Unleashes Largest Missile Barrage Ever Against Israel

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Iran Unleashes Largest Missile Barrage Ever Against Israel

In a dramatic escalation of tensions, Iran launched its largest-ever missile and drone barrage against Israel in the early hours of Sunday. The surprise attack believed to be retaliation for a recent Israeli strike on Iran in Syria, sent shockwaves through the region and raised fears of a wider conflict.

Two weeks after what seemed to be an Israeli hit on Iran’s consulate in Syria, Iran unleashed a huge aerial attack against Israel. This is Iran’s first direct attack on Israeli territory launched from Iranian grounds. The attack was dubbed Operation True Promise by Iran. Around 20:00 GMT on Saturday night, the attack started.

Iran Unleashes Largest Missile Barrage Ever Against Israel
Iran Unleashes Largest Missile Barrage Ever Against Israel (Image Source: Google)

Hundreds of Missiles and Drones Target Israel

According to Israeli military officials, Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles in the pre-dawn attack. Sirens wailed across the country as Israel’s Iron Dome defense system intercepted a vast majority of the incoming threats. However, some missiles penetrated the defenses, causing minor damage to a military base and injuring one civilian.

Prime Minister Vows Response

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an emergency war cabinet meeting following the attack. He later addressed the nation, vowing a strong and decisive response. “We intercepted, we repelled, together we shall win,” Netanyahu declared on social media.

International Community Calls for Calm

World leaders reacted with concern and urgency to the escalating situation. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for both sides to exercise restraint and expressed deep alarm at the “very real danger of a wider conflict.” The United States reaffirmed its “ironclad” commitment to Israel’s security, with President Joe Biden pledging full support.

Iran Warns Against Retaliation

Iran’s mission to the United Nations confirmed the attack as retaliation for the Damascus strike and warned against further action by Israel and its allies. They threatened a “considerably more severe” response if Israel pursued further aggression.

Uncertain Path Forward

With both sides on high alert, the immediate future remains uncertain. Whether Israel retaliates and the potential scope of that response are key questions hanging over the region. The international community is scrambling to de-escalate tensions and prevent a full-blown war.

How is Israel responding to this attack?

Israel has responded to the Iranian attack with a multi-pronged approach aimed at both defense and deterrence. Security forces are on high alert and air defenses are active. The Israeli Air Force is prepared for counterstrikes, while diplomatic efforts focus on de-escalation and international support. Public reassurance and close intelligence gathering are also part of Israel’s response.

How are Israeli citizens coping with the situation?

Faced with the ever-present threat of further attacks, Israelis are adopting a mix of coping mechanisms. Many prioritize vigilance, staying informed, and being prepared to take shelter. Communities strengthen bonds as neighbors offer support and reassurance. A deep-seated resilience emerges from their shared history, yet anxiety and fear are undeniable realities. Even as some seek normalcy in their daily routines, a strong sense of national unity transcends political divides.

Read This Also: CIA Warns of Potential Iranian Strike on Israel Within 48 Hours

World Leaders Urge Restraint After Iranian Attack on Israel

In a united front against the Iranian aggression, world leaders have voiced strong condemnation. The U.S., under President Biden, reaffirmed its unwavering support for Israel and played a role in intercepting the Iranian attack. G-7 leaders are set to meet to formulate a coordinated response. Similar condemnations came from the UK, France, and Germany, all urging restraint to prevent further escalation. The UN, expressing deep concern, called for an emergency Security Council session to address the crisis. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu vowed a resolute response, assuring the nation of victory against this unprecedented threat.

India Calls for De-Escalation

India has expressed serious concern about the escalating hostilities between Iran and Israel in the wake of the recent attack. In a statement, the Ministry of External Affairs called for an expedient de-escalation of the situation, caution, and a return to diplomacy. India’s stance emphasizes the importance of maintaining security and stability in the region.

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