Alleged Pathankot Mastermind Shahid Latif Shot Dead in Pakistan
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Alleged Pathankot Mastermind Shahid Latif Shot Dead in Pakistan

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Alleged Pathankot Mastermind Shahid Latif Shot Dead in Pakistan

Shahid Latif, the alleged mastermind of the 2016 Pathankot attack in India, was shot dead in Pakistan on Wednesday.

Latif was killed by unidentified assailants in the city of Karachi, according to Pakistani media reports. The motive for the killing is still unknown.

Latif was a member of the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist group, which is based in Pakistan. The JeM is responsible for several attacks in India, including the 2001 Parliament attack and the 2019 Pulwama attack.

The Pathankot attack was a major escalation in tensions between India and Pakistan. In January 2016, a group of terrorists attacked the Pathankot Air Force Station in Punjab, India. The attack killed seven Indian security personnel and four terrorists.

Latif was one of the most wanted terrorists in India. He was also wanted by the United States for his role in the Pathankot attack.

Latif’s death is a blow to the JeM and could lead to further tensions between India and Pakistan.

Personnel from the security forces during their offensive against the militants who on Saturday stormed the Indian Air Force installation in Pathankot.
Personnel from the security forces during their offensive against the militants who on Saturday stormed the Indian Air Force installation in Pathankot. (Image Source: Google)

Background on the Pathankot attack

The Pathankot attack was a coordinated terrorist attack on the Pathankot Air Force Station in Punjab, India, on January 2, 2016. The attack was carried out by a group of four to six terrorists, who are believed to have been members of the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist group.

The terrorists entered the air base by cutting through the perimeter fence. They then engaged in a gun battle with Indian security forces, which lasted for several hours. Seven Indian security personnel and four terrorists were killed in the attack.

The attack was a major escalation in tensions between India and Pakistan. India accused Pakistan of providing support to the terrorists, while Pakistan denied any involvement.

The Pathankot attack was the latest in a series of terrorist attacks in India that have been blamed on Pakistan-based terrorist groups. The attacks have led to a deterioration in relations between the two countries.

Implications of Latif’s death

Latif’s death is a blow to the JeM and could lead to further tensions between India and Pakistan.

The JeM is a terrorist group that is based in Pakistan. The group is responsible for several attacks in India, including the 2001 Parliament attack and the 2019 Pulwama attack.

Latif was one of the most wanted terrorists in India. He was also wanted by the United States for his role in the Pathankot attack.

Latif’s death could lead to retaliation by the JeM. The group could carry out further attacks in India to avenge Latif’s death.

The death of Latif could also lead to further tensions between India and Pakistan. India is likely to accuse Pakistan of harboring terrorists and providing support to them. Pakistan is likely to deny any involvement.

The tensions between India and Pakistan could lead to a military confrontation between the two countries.

The death of Shahid Latif, the alleged mastermind of the 2016 Pathankot attack, has been met with mixed reactions in India and Pakistan.

In India, many people have welcomed Latif’s death as a victory for the country’s security forces. They believe that his death will weaken the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist group and make it more difficult for them to carry out attacks in India.

However, some analysts have warned that Latif’s death could lead to retaliation by the JeM. The group could carry out further attacks in India to avenge Latif’s death.

In Pakistan, the government has denied any involvement in Latif’s death. They have also condemned the killing, saying that it is an attempt to destabilize the country.

However, many people in Pakistan believe that the government is harboring terrorists and providing support to them. They are demanding that the government take action against the JeM and other terrorist groups.

The death of Latif has also raised questions about the relationship between India and Pakistan. The tensions between the two countries could lead to a military confrontation between them.

It is important to note that the situation is still developing and it is too early to say what the long-term implications of Latif’s death will be. However, it is clear that the death of a senior terrorist leader is a significant event that could have a major impact on the security situation in South Asia.

Shahid Latif: Who Was He?

The four Pakistani terrorists who attacked the Pathankot Air Force station in January of that year allegedly received logistical backing from Shahid Latif.

Latif, who was born in Gurjanwala, Pakistan, caught the attention of Indian agents after being detained in a terror case in 1994. In 1996, he was detained once more in Jammu on drug and terrorism-related accusations.


After that, he was tried and ultimately sentenced to jail.

R&AW’s role in Latif’s death

The role of India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in the death of Shahid Latif, the alleged mastermind of the 2016 Pathankot attack, is a matter of speculation.

Some reports claim that RAW played a key role in Latif’s death. They say that RAW agents tracked Latif down to Karachi, Pakistan, and provided intelligence to Pakistani security forces, who then carried out the operation to kill him.

However, other reports claim that RAW was not involved in Latif’s death. They say that Latif was killed by internal rivals within the JeM terrorist group.

It is impossible to say for sure whether or not RAW played a role in Latif’s death. The Indian government does not comment on intelligence operations, and the Pakistani government has denied any involvement by RAW.

However, it is worth noting that RAW has a history of carrying out covert operations in Pakistan. In the past, RAW has been accused of supporting separatist movements in Balochistan and Sindh.

It is also worth noting that Latif was a high-value target for both India and Pakistan. He was wanted by both countries for his role in the Pathankot attack.

Therefore, it is possible that RAW played a role in Latif’s death. However, it is also possible that he was killed by internal rivals within the JeM terrorist group.

It is important to note that these are just speculations and there is no concrete evidence to support either claim.

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